Impacting a Child’s Life

This past summer, I had the opportunity to meet Les and Rita Peters, Canadians who began a ministry in Guatemala several years ago. They have been long-time friends of my sister and her family, who have been active in supporting their work from the beginning stages.

I also took the time to read a recent book Rita has written to tell how God has blessed them in very practical ways as they made the journey to Guatemala and have set up different aspects of their work.

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Tale of a Reluctant “Missionary”

Although I was raised in a church that supported missions, learned at an early age to give money to missions, and even actually met a missionary once, it had never occurred to me to go on a mission trip. I would just stay home and pray for those who were “called” to go.

Then one day my daughter invited me to go with her on a mission trip to Guatemala. How can you say “NO” to your daughter?  Continue reading