
Everyone has a ‘story.’ Mine is one of heartbreak, of going through two “divorces” at the same time! No doubt your details will be different, but I believe the lessons I’ve learned and share in these devotionals will help you as they have helped me. Right now, you may feel like your world has fallen apart. But I have good news. God can help you rebuild a beautiful life.

The Bible gives us several examples of such rebuilding. The prophet Isaiah shared a wonderful message of hope with the remnant of Israel. They had survived the Babylonian exile and cruelty and were working hard to rebuild their lives and community. But things weren’t going well, and some began to wonder if God even cared. Isaiah gave them the encouraging message that He really does. God demonstrated their value to Him by writing them on the palms of His hands and telling them their protective city walls were always on His mind, always His concern (Isaiah 49:16).

As He did with Israel, God will provide you with a “crown of beauty,” “oil of joy,” and a “garment of praise” instead of depression and sadness just as He did in Isaiah’s day (Isaiah 61:3). The next verse is the inspiration for the title of this book:

And they will rebuild this place from its ancient ruins;
they will restore the ages-old, once-splendid structures;
They will renew Israel’s ruined cities from the ashes and debris that
laid untouched for many generations.

(Isaiah 61:4, VOICE) (bold emphases mine)

Another reference to rebuilding can be found in the book of Nehemiah. His memoirs became my guide for rebuilding my own life. They also form the backbone for this book, and you’ll find references to his story throughout these pages.

I enjoy watching make-overs, particularly home renovations. Throughout these devotionals, you’ll find similarities between rebuilding your life and rebuilding a house or a city wall, as was the case with Nehemiah.

This book has been years in the making. It’s not only my story, it also includes lessons I learned from others along my healing journey. My first encounter with divorce happened when one of my sisters moved back home with two young children. I was about fourteen, and divorce was something you didn’t talk about. Since then, I’ve observed and spoken with other Christians who have experienced divorce—family, friends, and acquaintances from various denominations and my workplace. The chapters of my divorce are many, and I also participated in a divorce support group and read many books and blogs.

Although I’m certainly not an expert in the field, I believe God called me to write this book. As I considered various topics, I felt conflicted within myself. Should I expect others to do what I had not yet completed? But the encouragement from the Lord and close friends was, “Write it anyway!” Writing this has been a blessing and helped me to grow deeper in Christ. I hope reading it will be a blessing and benefit to you as well.

This book provides the guidelines and the architectural plans. Are you ready to start rebuilding?