Impacting a Child’s Life

This past summer, I had the opportunity to meet Les and Rita Peters, Canadians who began a ministry in Guatemala several years ago. They have been long-time friends of my sister and her family, who have been active in supporting their work from the beginning stages.

I also took the time to read a recent book Rita has written to tell how God has blessed them in very practical ways as they made the journey to Guatemala and have set up different aspects of their work.

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White Gifts and Shoeboxes

gift wrapped in white tissue paperOne of the traditions I grew up with was White Gift Sunday. The children in our Sunday School were asked to bring a child’s gift wrapped in white on the first Sunday in December.

Each year Mom would help my sisters and me each wrap a new toy, game or puzzle with white tissue paper, and it was labeled as to the age of a child it would be suitable for and whether it was better for a boy or a girl. Continue reading