
When we think of faithbooking, we think mainly of journalling and photo albums to share our God stories with our families. But God also wants us to share our faith stories with our friends, neighbours, church family, and others. For most, that involves verbally telling them, but we can also share our stories with others through publications.

  • Blogs – Many people today use the website to share about things they are passionate about, including their God stories.
  • Social Media – Others might use their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account, to share what God has done in their lives.
  • Magazine Articles – If there is a longer story of what God has done in your life, you might want to consider contacting a Christian magazine to see if they would be willing to publish your story. Magazines such as Readers’ Digest might also be willing to share your story. If you don’t feel you can write it yourself, you can ask others to help you.
  • Chapter in a Book – You might want to consider sharing your story as a chapter in a book of related stories. Check out what “Chicken Soup for the Soul” topics are coming up.
  • Book – Some may consider writing their own book of memoirs or about one particular topic where God has journeyed with you through some event. For example, check out Rebuild, Restore, Renew, the book Gladys Thompson has written about her journey through divorce.