Grandma’s Quilts

Ever since we can remember, Mom loved to sew. She made a lot of our clothes; she repaired a lot of clothes; she made dolls and doll clothes; she sewed for us and she sewed for others.

Our Mom threading a needle to work on the quiltWinters could get very cold on the Prairies, and Mom made a lot of quilts. Most of these were made out of scraps of materials left over from her many sewing projects.

When Mom was well up in her 80’s and into her 90’s she continued to sew. But her ideas for quilts took on new creativity. Several of her granddaughters were the recipients of what we affectionately call “Grandma’s Quilts.”

Each quilt had its own theme and portrayed much of Mom’s heritage:

Mom working on the Scottish quilt

Our family quilt was started generations in the past.
Designed with love, its patterns rich in values that will last.

Each person sews another square of memories that endure,
while challenges add strength that makes our family life secure.

And stitching it together, threads of closeness, warmth,  and caring
make it cozy and more comforting with every year of sharing.

– Author unknown